
사용자 삽입 이미지

  • Innovator. These consumers are on the leading edge of change, have the highest incomes, and such high self-esteem and abundant resources that they can induldge in any or all self-orientations. They are located above the rectangle. Image is important to them as an expression of taste, independence, and character. Their consumer choices are directed toward the "finer things in life."
  • Thinkers. These consumers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by ideals. They are mature, responsible, well-educated professionals. Their leisure activities center on their homes, but they are well informed about what goes on in the world and are open to new ideas and social change. They have high incomes but are practical consumers and rational decision makers.
  • Believers. These consumers are the low-resource group of those who are motivated by ideals. They are conservative and predictable consumers who favor American products and established brands. Their lives are centered on family, church, community, and the nation. They have modest incomes.
  • Achievers. These consumers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by achievement. They are successful work-oriented people who get their satisfaction from their jobs and families. They are politically conservative and respect authority and the status quo. They favor established products and services that show off their success to their peers.
  • Strivers. These consumers are the low-resource group of those who are motivated by achievements. They have values very similar to achievers but have fewer economic, social, and psychological resources. Style is extremely important to them as they strive to emulate people they admire.
  • Experiencers. These consumers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by self-expression. They are the youngest of all the segments, with a median age of 25. They have a lot of energy, which they pour to physical exercise and social activities. They are avid consumers, spending heavily on clothing, fast-foods, music, and other youthful favorites, with particular emphasis on new products and services.
  • Makers. These consumers are the low-resource group of those who are motivated by self-expression. They are practical people who value self-sufficiency. They are focused on the familiar-family, work, and physical recreation-and have little interest in the broader world. As consumers, they appreciate practical and functional products.
  • Survivors. These consumers have the lowest incomes. They have too few resources to be included in any consumer self-orientation and are thus located below the rectangle. They are the oldest of all the segments, with a median age of 61. Within their limited means, they tend to be brand-loyal consumers.

  Innovators는 성공했고 세련되고 활동적인 사람들로 세련되고 우아한 고급품 구매하는 틈새시장의 타겟이 됩니다. 최고로 풍부한 재정적, 인적, 지적자원을 가지고 있습니다.

  Thinkers는 기본적인 것들에 가치를 둔 원숙하고 현명한 사람들로 만족스러운 품질과 기능 그리고 가치를 가진 상품을 구매하며 상대적으로 풍부한 재정적, 인적, 지적자원을 가지고 있습니다.

  Achievers는 신분에 가치를 둔, 성공적이며 직업안 에서 성취를 지향하는 사람들로 자신의 성공을 보여줄 수 있는 유명상품 선호합니다. 상대적으로 풍부한 재정적, 인적, 지적자원을 가지고 있습니다.

  Experiencers는 활동에 가치를 둔 젊고 생동감 있고 열정적인 사람들로 의류, 패스트푸드, 그리고 문화상품에 지출비율이 높습니다. 상대적으로 풍부한 재정적, 인적자원을 가지고 있습니다.

  Believers 기본적인 것들에 가치를 둔 보수적이며 전통적인 가치관을 가진 사람들이며 친숙하고 이미 알려진 브랜드 선호. 상대적으로 부족한 자원을 가지고 있습니다.

  Strivers는 신분에 가치를 둔, 변하기 쉽고 불안정하며 재정적으로 풍부하지 못한 사람들이며 부유한 사람들이 구매하는 상품과 유사한 스타일리쉬한 상품을 주로 구매. 상대적으로 부족한 자원을 가집니다.

  Makers는 활동에 가치를 둔, 실용적, 전통적이며 자신에 만족하고 가족 중심의 사람이며 실용적이고 기능적인상품만 선호하고 상대적으로 부족한 자원을 가집니다.

  Survivors는 늙고 은퇴한 수동적이며 재정적으로 풍족하지 못한 사람들로 선호 브랜드에 충성심 있는 조심스런 소비자. 최소의 재정적 자원을 가지고 있습니다.


'이론 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

[이론] 제 3자효과 이론  (0) 2010.05.10
[이론] S.T.P Marketing  (0) 2010.05.10

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